граница Брестской области

Карта Европы
(180K, png)

Карта Европы
(72K, swf)

(90K, png)

(27K, swf)

Еврорегион «Буг»
(61K, png)

Еврорегион «Буг» (22K, swf)


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Bug Euro-regionIn September 1995 an agreement on the creation of Trans-border Union of Bug Euro-region was signed. Besides Wolyn District it included four former provinces of Chelm, Lublin, Tarnobrzeg, and Zamosc. In May 1998 new members were admitted: Brest District Belarus and the former Biala Podlaska province. Since then the Bug Euro-region has been one of the largest in Europe.

The most important goals of the Bug Euro-region are:

* taking advantage of the potential existing owing to the geographical location
* supporting social and economic development
* common action aimed at building agreement among the nations of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus
* protection of the environment

Bug Euro-region


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